Please login with the same credentials used for the abstract submission and/or reviewing process or create a new Ex Ordo account if not already available.

REGISTRATION TYPESUntil August 6th, 2021From August 7th, 2021On site registration
Standard Attendee (in presence)€ 680€ 830€ 870
Student Attendee (in presence)€ 390€ 470€ 520
Standard Attendee (on line)€ 400€ 450
Student Attendee (on line)€ 200€ 250
MNE International School€ 120€ 150€ 180
Accompanying Persons€ 230€ 270€ 280

Please consider that registration fees for attendees in presence will include all the social events scheduled for the conference, lunches and coffee breaks.

Cancellations Policy:

Pre-registered participants who are unable to attend the conference will have their paid fees reimbursed as follows. Written notice of non-attendance has to be sent to the conference secretariat. All refunds will be processed after the conference.

Before August 20th, 2021: 50% will be charged as a processing fee

From August 21st, 2020: no refund

Please note that, due to the COVID 19 emergency, it will be possible to modify your registration from in presence fee to online fee at any time.

The cost difference will be reimbursed except for an administrative handling cost of 20€.

Under the patronage of
